Unlock a treasure trove of reliable and trusted suppliers with our Ultimate Vendor List. This comprehensive list includes top-rated vendors for scrubs, uniforms, and related accessories, carefully curated by industry experts to ensure quality and competitive pricing.
Grab our multi-brand vendors list and work with many of the vendors we used to earn millions in sales!
Our Ultimate Vendor List has been personally curated by Lydia Covington, CEO of Cscrubs. Lydia is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 13 years of experience in the scrubs and uniform industry. She has built Cscrubs into a multi-million dollar business, working with over 500 retailers and partnering with celebrities like Tasha Cobbs, Vanessa Simmons, and Alexis Skyy. Lydia’s expertise and industry knowledge ensure that every vendor on this list has been thoroughly vetted to meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and customer service. With Lydia’s guidance, you can confidently grow your business knowing you have access to the best suppliers in the industry.