You've come to the right place to open a uniform business, become successful, and be the boss you were destined to be!
The uniform business changed my entire life. I went from just $8.50 an Hour as a CNA to over $12 million in sales.
After many years as a successful retailer, I decided it was time for me to change lives and open doors! My goal is to place resilient people like yourself into the same business while spreading knowledge and wealth throughout the universe.
During my retail journey, I sold in a brick-and-mortar store, online, and directly to many healthcare facilities; now you can too!
Please take a look at our wholesale scrubs packages below and make your purchase. Book a Scrubs business consultation call if you have any more questions or need business guidance before you make a purchase.
This business is an excellent opportunity, and we are beyond excited to work with you!
Lydia Covington, CEO.